2018 February 25
Kizugawa Fire Department Ichisaka Branch Small Pump Loading Vehicle Celebration

Vehicle Ceremony 01

I stopped by the Ichisaka area fire department to celebrate their new small pump loading vehicle.

It’s important to keep the fire department’s equipment up to date in order to respond appropriately to disasters.

2018 February 25
Kizugawa City Lifelong Learning Festival – 10th Cultural Association Presentation Gathering

LL Festival 01 LL Festival 02 LL Festival 03

I attended the 10th Cultural Association presentations as part of the Lifelong Learning Festival.

The amount of passion put into their pieces was evident upon looking at them.

2018 February 18
Kizugawa Art Kuni-kyu University Thesis Presentations

 Kunikyu 01 Kunikyu 02

I listened in on thesis presentations at Kuni-kyu University.

“Blooming Circus,” a pre-event of the 2018 Kizugawa Art Exhibition, will be held on April 7th and showcase a creation from the Kuni-kyu University, a set of giant karuta cards. I invite all of you to come try them out!

2018 February 16
2018 Kizugawa Ikigai University Closing Ceremony

Ikigai 01

I attended the closing ceremony of Kizugawa’s Ikigai University.

I hope participants take what they learned from the lectures held and continue to be active in the community.

2018 February 7
Kizu River Dam Management Center – Takayama Dam Control Center

TK Dam 01 TK Dam 02

I visited the control center for the Takayama Dam, an important piece of construction that protects the citizens and water sources of our city.

Due to the heavy rains of recent years, flood control is becoming an important issue to tackle.

2018 February 5
2018 Kizugawa City Citizens Health Insurance Association Report

HI Report 01

I received a report from the Citizens Health Insurance Association.

I believe in order to ensure proper healthcare is accessible to all citizens, we must reevaluate the tax rate of national health insurance.

2018 February 4
30th Kyoto Firefighters Convention

Firefighters 01

I attended the 30th Kyoto Firefighters Convention, where firefighters from the entire prefecture come to discuss their important work.

I am deeply thankful to all of the people that work night and day to ensure our citizens are safe.