2017 February 19th
Celebration of New Fire Truck and Water Pump

Soneyama Fire Station 01
Soneyama Fire Station 02

The citizens from the area and I celebrated the delivery of a new fire truck and water pump to our Soneyama Fire Station, replacing the previous 20 year old equipment.

I will continue to try my best to provide our fire department and its brave firefighters with the proper tools they need to keep our citizens safe and sound.

2017 February 10th
2nd Japanese Woman Mayor Panel Discussion Regarding Future Policy

Woman Mayor Conference 01
Woman Mayor Conference 02

We received a warm welcome from the Minister of State for Special Missions Katsunobu Kato at our panel discussion.

Myself and the mayors from Ube, Yamaguchi and Takahagi, Ibaraki received a debriefing and exchanged opinions and ideas on policies to promote women’s active role in society, and the financial support of family planning from marriage to child rearing.

2017 February 6th
Katamachi Line Double Track Promotion Committee Campaign

Katamachi 01
Katamachi 02

I made a plea to the West Japan Railway Company to double the tracks between Matuiyamate Station and Kizu Station.

I will continue to push for the doubling of tracks for the convenience of our citizens who work in the Osaka area.