Kizugawa City Disposal Collection Guide
Collection Calendar and explanation
Garbage collection days are different for each area. Please download Collection Calendar from followiong links.
Disposal Collection Calendar explanation (All regions, English) [ 745 KB pdfファイル]
2024.4-2025.3 Kizu Region Disposal Collection Calendar (Japanese) [ 6316 KB pdfファイル]
2024.4-2025.3 Kamo Region Disposal Collection Calendar (Japanese) [ 6859 KB pdfファイル]
2024.4-2025.3 Yamashiro Region Disposal Collection Calendar (Japanese) [ 3993 KB pdfファイル]
How to separate and dispose of garbage
Separate garbage into 8 different types
- Combustible garbage (可燃ごみ)
- Plastic containers/wrappings(ビニール・プラスチック容器包装)
- Incombustible garbage(燃やさないごみ)
- PET bottles(ペットボトル)
- Oversized garbage(粗大ごみ)
- Usedpaper Magazines Cardboard Clothes Paper cartons(古紙類)
- Batteries(電池)
- Used small household appliances(使用済小型家電)
- Fees are charged for the collection of Combustible garbage. Combustible garbage should be put in the Designated (Prepaid) Garbage Bags.
About City-Designated (Prepaid) Garbage Bags for Combustible garbage - Plastic containers/wrappings, Incombustible garbage, PET bottles should be put in ordinary transparent/semi-transparent bags apart.
- Oversized garbage should be labelled "ごみ", "不用品" or " Oversized garbage ".
- Place Garbage Bags and Oversized garbage at the roadside in front of your house or at the collection station before 8:00 a.m. on collection day.
- Batteries and Used small householed appliances should be put in special collection boxes at the city office and cooperating stores in Kizugawa City.
- Garbage is collected on national holidays as well (excluding the New Year's holiday period.).
- If you have to dispose of large amounts of garbage, please contact to the city office, for example when you move into a new house.
Prohibited Items
Commercial garbage
Garbage from shops, stores, offices, restaurants, farmlands, etc.
→Contact licensed garbage disposal services company.
Four Types of household apploances
TVs, refrigerators/freezers, washing machines/dryers and air conditioners (including outdoor units)
→Contact the store where you purchased the item (recysling fees are required.). If the store is located far away or unknown to you, contact nearby electronic stores or the city office.
Other non-acceptable items
Cars, auto parts, motorcycles, tires, pianos, fireproof safes, fire extinguishers, oil, kerosene, chemicals (such as pesticide), hazardous items (such as explosives), and construction materials, etc.
→Contact the store where you purchased the item.